PS – I had a little bit of a snafu in podcast editing this week! You’ll notice it in the intro, if you hear the original version of the podcast I uploaded. It’s fixed now, and I’m obviously NOT affiliated with the program I mentioned in the intro, nor will I ever be with that or any other diet program. sh*t happens, guys!
Deanna Deacon is an Intuitive Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Energy Healer, Retreat Host and Founder of The Empowered Woman Conference. In her practice she empowers strong, successful women to lean into their feminine energy to experience emotional resiliency, mental clarity and spiritual awakenings while maintaining high levels of sustainable growth, prosperity and joy.
We’ll mention this later in the episode – but screenshot this episode, wherever you’re listening and tag us on social in the post/story and Deanna will send you a special gift!
On today’s episode, we’re chatting about:
- Deanna’s personal health journey, involving chronic digestive problems, headaches, exhaustion, restrictive eating and not trusting her body
- A lot of people are walking around every day feeling like something is wrong, without realizing that a root of it may be the lack of a sense of fulfillment and purpose due to being disconnected from their feminine selves.
- Masculine and feminine energy centers
- How we mask our pain with busyness, stimulants, pain-killers & distractions
- What happens when we mask this pain?
- Emotional Trigger Resilience Technique
- Deanna’s history of disordered eating, and how she uses Emotional Trigger Resilience Technique in her practice now to help clients who struggle with their relationship with food and their bodies
- What is the message you want to share with the world?
Steps of the Emotional Trigger Release Technique:
- Trigger
- Emotion
- Fear/Belief
- Sweet Nothings
- New Belief
- Evidence/Proof
Mentioned in this episode:
- You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay
- Rise, Sister Rise, by Rebecca Campbell
- A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson
Thanks to our show sponsor!
BETTER HELP: 10% off first month of online therapy at
Hang out with Deanna!
- Instagram @deannadeaconcoaching
- Discover Deanna’s 5-step Formula to Unshakeable Confidence with your FREE GUIDE at
- Facebook in her inclusive community; The Empowered Woman Collective.
Deanna Deacon; affectionately named a Spiritual Personal Trainer with a modern-goddess twist, empowers strong, successful women to lean into their feminine energy to experience emotional resiliency, mental clarity and spiritual awakenings while maintaining high levels of sustainable growth, prosperity and joy.
As an Intuitive Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Energy Healer, Retreat Host and Founder of The Empowered Woman Conference, Deanna guides her clients into unshakeable self confidence and soulful business growth through embodiment retreats, intuitive coaching, live events and online trainings.
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