Woah 2016, it’s been real.
Another year of recipes, shenanigans, and so. much fun. with you guys! I’m another year closer to finishing my graduate degree in clinical nutrition {and start seeing clients in the clinic in January, woot!}, went to the insanity that was both Expo West AND Expo East, and had some amazing trips to go skiing in Utah, hiking in Oregon, and eating my way through both of them (duh.) I took over the Whole30Recipes instagram page, guest posted on PaleOMG (squeal), started lifting (more) heavy sh*t by joining the barbell club at my crossfit gym, finally switched over to safer skincare. 2016 was not without its ups, downs, and multiple recipe failures…but I still had a freaking AMAZEBALLS time and can’t wait to see what 2017 will bring!