I recently did a two-month experiment of zero coffee. Yes, ZERO coffee. Decaf, caffeinated, it was all out.
It was not easy at all. I’ve given up coffee a couple times for gut health reasons, and once when I was recovering from some pretty serious adrenal stuff and hormonal dysregulation, but never because I thought it stressed me out too much. And WOAH did I learn a lot this time around. I’m probably going to do a whole podcast with Kate on this since we did the 60 day experiment together, but until then, the short end of it is – I really missed the taste of coffee, but I actually feel fine without caffeine most of the time, and WOW does it make my anxiety and stress go through the roof. And I don’t even have anxiety. The struggle is real, you guys. I didn’t realize how much coffee and caffeine affected me until I cut it out. It’s a doozy. But that’s a story for another day!
Back to this smoothie. For the first month of our experiment I was drinking matcha while weaning myself off caffeine. My favorite is the Vital Proteins Matcha, which is super smooth and also has some collagen in it for gut and skin health boosting goodness. And I’d had a hankering for a pina colada too so I figured…why not combine them in a smoothie??
So if you’re not feeling *too* awesome after your Fourth of July festivities this past week, or this weekend, this matcha pina colada green smoothie is a way that you can start feeling MUCH better much faster. The matcha will wake you up (and probably help with your hangover headache), and the combination of healthy fats from coconut milk, fruit, and greens (that no, you totally can’t taste) will help you feel like less of a zombie from whatever indulgences you had over the holiday. But actually make you feel like you’re kind of still on the beach sipping pina coladas, even if you’re drinking this in your office. Let’s do this!
- 1 cup cubed pineapple (frozen is best!)
- ½ cup cubed mango (frozen is best!)
- ½ cup coconut milk
- 1-2 handfuls fresh spinach
- 1 Tbsp lime juice
- 1 scoop Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen
- ½ - 1 cup water
- optional toppings: coconut, pineapple, and walnuts
- Combine all ingredients in a high power and blend until everything is mixed together. If you are not using frozen fruit, use about 1 cup of ice and blend.

Love this Matcha Pina Colada? You’ll love these too!
Chocolate, Sweet Potato & Banana Mocha Protein Smoothie
Banana Blueberry Green Smoothie
Pineapple, Raspberry & Banana Smoothie
Mango Ginger Green Smoothie