It’s December. You know what that means. THE HOLIDAY COOKIES ARE COMING. I feel like beginning at thanksgiving the whole world (or at least the US) goes into a month long food coma until everyone wakes up on January 1st being like “New Year’s resolution time I’m going to eat healthy and go to the gym every day!!”. Until a week or two later. Not being pessimistic, just sayin’. OR, you could eat relatively healthy and work out normally the rest of the year instead of freaking out come January 1st when the gym will be EPIC-ly crowded and whole foods will have nothing left on their shelves. Just sayin’.
Speaking of that, I’m doing the 21-day sugar detox RIGHT NOW with Valerie from @Cocos_Paleo_Kitchen, Monica from Movement Menu, Clare and Tonja from Flame to Fork, Paleo Schmaelo, Zenbelly and a bunch more people on instagram! You know, my internet friends. I know what you’re thinking. What fool does a sugar detox in the middle of the HOLIDAY SEASON?! Full disclosure: it’s not going to be 21 days because I’m going on vacation (I know right, again) on the 17th. So there’s that. And I most definitely will not be able to go through with the last 4 days while I’m at an all-inclusive resort in Punta Cana. Life is hard, right? So instead of inundating you with all of the cookie, pie, eggnog, and other holiday sweets recipes like everyone else right now, here are some healthier recipes to keep you feeling great during the holidays. Not that treats are bad!! We all love them. But we can’t eat cookies for every meal every day and still feel not like sh*t balls. If only. So here’s some savory recipe love for now. Treats to come later.
three-ingredient moroccan eggs in avocado.
this breakfast. truffle-sage cauliflower soup. With eggs, prosciutto + some more chimichurri for funsies.
slow cooker paleo mole. god i love mole sauce. its slightly spicy, warming, and has cocoa powder in it. kinda like mexican chili. and i don’t even like chili.
roasted cauliflower with olives, figs, and chimichurri. this is gorgeous.
sesame garlic roasted brussels sprouts with crispy fried shallots.
roasted beet and butternut squash kale salad with tahini dressing. now this is a kind of salad I could get behind.
turkey and zucchini lasagne with sweet potato noodles. WHAT.
roasted chestnuts with herbed brown butter. also I didn’t know chestnut was spelled that way until…yesterday. Totally thought it was chesnut (without the extra T.) who knew?? Tell me I’m not alone.
Totally not food related. I’ve been blasting christmas music since the day after Thanksgiving like it’s my job.
What recipes are you making this week?