Know what I really want right now? Well, besides this super awesome kicka$$ recipe below. Obviously. But weā€™ll get to that later.


Specifically, a vizsla puppy like Michelle and Lori from purelytwins. Or a Brittany Spaniel puppy, like we used to have until two years ago. ISNā€™T SHE SO CUTE?! Man, I miss her.


OR, even better, a mix between a vizsla and Brittany. I would just DIE. Of the cuteness of that puppy.

I donā€™t think you understand how hard Iā€™ve been pushing this on my family. every. damn. day. Remember in Finding Nemo when Dory is getting all up in Marlinā€™s face and sheā€™s like ā€œdo ya? Do Ya? DO YA?!ā€ Yeah, thatā€™s pretty much me about the puppy.

Plus, Iā€™ve been going to play with puppies at the rescue shelter prettty frequently. I canā€™t decide if this helps or hurts my case. Because every time I go Iā€™m SO HAPPY but then I leave without a puppy and itā€™s SO SAD. How could you say no to these faces???


Rescue Lab

Heā€™s so cute and all aloneā€¦can we keep him??

Yes. I just quoted the Lion King. BEST disney animated movie of all time, in my humble opinion. Fun fact: my best friend and I were simba and nala for halloweenā€¦twice. It happened. If youā€™re lucky Iā€™ll post that picture one day.

My mom even said, ā€œDana, stop trying to make this puppy happen.ā€ And all I wanted to say was 1) BUT WHY?! and cry. 2) ā€œGretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. Itā€™s not going to happen.ā€ Which wouldā€™ve been oddly appropriate given the puppy/fetch connection.


So instead Iā€™m trying to busy myself with my classes, clients, and coming up with new recipes for you guys. Specifically, comforting recipes that will warm you up since itā€™s SO DAMN COLD OUTSIDE and because I donā€™t have a puppy to snuggle with.

Here you go. Hug in a bowl.Ā Almost as good as a puppy. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™m telling myself.


5.0 from 1 reviews
Coconut-Ginger Roasted Carrots
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A healthy, paleo roasted carrot mash that will warm you up on the coldest of winter days. The addition of pumpkin and cinnamon will make you feel like it's Thanksgiving any day!
Serves: 6-8 servings
  • 2 lbs baby carrots
  • ¼c coconut oil, divided
  • 1 tsp Penzey's Trinidad Seasoning (sub ¼ tsp each: salt, ginger, garlic, and cloves)
  • ½ cup canned pumpkin
  • 1 Tbsp fresh minced ginger
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½c coconut milk (light or regular)
  • ¼ tsp sea salt, plus more to taste
  • shredded coconut or coconut butter, for serving
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F.
  2. Toss the carrots with 2 Tbsp coconut oil and 1 tsp Trinidad seasoning (or substitute spices). Spread evenly on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silpat (silicone baking sheet)
  3. Once the oven is ready, pop the carrots in and roast them for about 30-40 minutes (until soft and slightly browned).
  4. When the carrots are ready, take them out and add them to the food processor and pulse a few times.
  5. Add the pumpkin, coconut milk, ginger, cinnamon, coconut oil, and sea salt. Adjust to taste.
  6. Serve with shredded coconut or coconut butter on top. For breakfast leftovers, serve with Ā½ sliced banana on top!


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  1. We just adopted a second dog on Saturday! He’s 4 or 5 though… no puppies for us, they are wayyyyyyy too much work! Also heard that vizlas are super high energy… do you run? Haha (serious question though), we are into more laid back breeds. Our pitties just like to lounge and cuddle šŸ™‚

    1. Ohmygosh, SO LUCKY!! I would love a dog or a puppy. I think vizslas are semi-high energy, they’re pretty similar to brittany spaniels (which is what we had before) as far as I can tell from all the research I’ve been doing. I do like running when it’s warm out! And I’d definitely be more likely to run if I had a dog too!

    1. So lucky! I bet that was a great call for them to be your practices šŸ™‚ And I’ll bet the (human) kids love them now too! Hope you like the mash!

  2. Hello !
    Where does the canned pumpkin fall? I think you forgot to mention it ! also, could it be done without the canned pumpkin? I’m afraid it won’t be as healthy!
    Thank you šŸ™‚

    1. Hi Mary! The pumpkin gets mixed in with the carrots šŸ™‚ It’s still just as healthy without the pumpkin, I just like the taste it adds!

  3. Just made this. It’s absolutely delicious, even a bit decadent. Works well as a dinner side dish or as a tasty breakfast “porridge”.


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