How did September fly by so fast? Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE fall (which you’ve probably gathered already) but October means halloween. And then thanksgiving. And then Christmas. Like sh*t, time slow down. Gretchen, stop trying to make October happen. It’s NOT going to happen. (Okay, maybe it is. But I’ll never turn down an opportunity to throw a Mean Girls quote out there.) Here’s some of my favorite stuff from this month.
10 1-ingredient wonders to jazz up your eggs. I basically eat eggs every day. Sometimes, I like a little spice to mix things up – these are awesome, easy, quick ideas to do just that!
Catching up on Balanced Bites podcasts. Diane and Liz are hilarious even when talking about paleo troubleshooting. Plus they can quote Mean Girls like its their job so we’re basically already friends.
Apple picking. I went this past week with my best friend and we no joke picked 35+ pounds of apples. The farm we went had 13 different kinds and we tried ALL of them. New favorites are Jonagold and Golden Delicious.
Making tons apple recipes (apple crisp, applesauce, apple butter, apple chips…). Keep salivating, they’ll be up soon.
27 paleo cookies you’ll want to inhale. because COOKIES.
this article. make your own damn pumpkin spiced lattes people – save yourself all those extra chemicals and about $5 bucks. spoiler alert: there’s no actual pumpkin in PSL. shocker…not.
speaking of pumpkin, these pumpkin waffles from Juli of PaleOMG. All the recipes in her new cookbook are stupid good. (that’s a good thing.)
and pumpkin spice macaroons. that are autoimmune protocol friendly!! Totally making these ASAP.
Derek Jeter’s storybook ending of a career. Love this guy. I’m born and raised a Yankees fan and will be sad to see him go. I’ll try not to get too sappy on you.
these gingerbread chocolate swirl muffins. I LOVE gingerbread. Or anything with ginger. Must be my red hair sending subliminal messages to my taste buds.
Now go make some pumpkin things!