Yep, that’s my Secret Recipe Guacamole right there.
If you’ve been following the blog for a while (and if you’re a newbie – welcome friend!) or if you’ve read my story, you know that my mantra is to use food as medicine. That’s why I went to school and am currently working with clients as an Integrative Health Coach, and that’s why I’m currently enrolled in a Masters program to become a Holistic Nutritionist! Like our good (ancient) friend Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be thy food.” and “All disease starts in the gut.” By nourishing your gut, mind and body with real food, you not only feel great, have more energy, less cravings, sleep better, and look better naked (because isn’t that everyone’s end goal here?), but if you’re suffering from something like an autoimmune disease, leaky gut, or candida infection, food is also a key tool on your road to recovery. In fact, without addressing your food, you might as well be pretty much screwed.
But, as I explained in my story, even if you’re focusing on healing and real foods, that does NOT mean that your food has to be tasteless or boring. Au contraire, my friend (p.s. did you know I’m fluent in French? You learn something new every day, huh? You’re welcome). That’s why I started this blog in the first place – to share finger-licking delicious, paleo-inspired recipes that are both healthy for you and can be healing as well.

Congrats on the feature!
Thanks Amber! It’s a really cool website. Can’t wait to write more articles for them too!