Friends!! I’m doing another thing to jump out of my comfort zone lately – and that is…to start a podcast. the REAL TALK WITH DANA podcast, to be exact. It’s going to be totally epic, and I’m SO excited to get started with you guys!! This is my intro episode, it’s only a few minutes long – so you can figure out what I’m all about here and my goals with the podcast. (Spoiler alert: to bring you guys even more value, and nothing short of awesome).
Listen to the episode in ITUNES (and subscribe if you love it!) or scroll down to the bottom of this post to listen to the episode right in the blog post!
Episode 01 Transcription:
Welcome welcome, to another year at Hogwarts – oh wait just kidding. But I couldn’t resist. ANYWAY. Welcome to the Real Talk with Dana podcast! My name is Dana (if you didn’t get that already) and I’m the Nutritionist and Whole30 Certified Coach behind Real Food with Dana, a healthy living blog where I share how to heal and thrive with a real food (obviously) and a healthy side of sarcasm. Because life is TOO SHORT to eat boring, tasteless food. But more on me later. Let’s talk about this podcast. It’s about to get REAL.
I want to talk about so much MORE than food on this podcast. How women *need* to be lifting weights (and how they won’t get bulky doing it), about overcoming eating disorders, adrenal fatigue, nutrition stuff, the Whole30, even entrepreneurship. Deep shit that I only get to brush the surface with on my other platforms – so I can provide you even more value, and so we can hopefully learn from each other while doing it.
This podcast will be honest, and raw. Some of it will be controversial, some of it may be uncomfortable for you – and for me – especially when we go into things like sharing how I gave myself adrenal fatigue by over-exercising, under-eating and doing everything I thought was “healthy” to be as “skinny and fit” as I could, or my personal story with battling and overcoming an eating disorder. I also plan to have some amazing guests on the show – people that I admire in the health, fitness, or entrepreneurship space – so we can all learn some of the valuable lessons they’ve learned from their personal stories and struggles.
I’ve had a few things light a fire under my butt lately – how women STILL think lifting weights will make them big and bulky, how people just *assume* that because I’m a nutritionist and Whole30 Certified Coach they can judge me for eating anything that isn’t 100% clean, and especially around this time of year, how so many people are trying to “survive” the holidays by restricting (and then later bingeing) instead of just chilling the heck out and ENJOYING them. That will be the first official episode I do, so look forward to that!
Recently I also had someone say they were insulted because I used a curse word in one of my recent posts (which, it wasn’t even true because I used the fancy asterisk things to block it out…ANYWAY). I do try and censor myself at least a little bit in my blog and on instagram in terms of curse words because I’m a swim coach to a bunch of teenagers and little kids and I don’t want to be either teaching them bad words or perpetuating them. Well, let me tell you, this podcast is definitely going to be an off-the-cuff, uncensored version of Real Food with Dana. And I cannot guarantee that I won’t drop an F bomb or two (sorry, mom) when I’m talking about a topic that I’m really passionate about. NOT FOR CHILDREN.
I’m doing to be doing a lot of reader/litstener Q&A, some kicka** interviews, and sometimes, it’ll just be me talking by myself about topics you guys (and I am!) passionate about.
Is there a topic you’d love me to cover? Comment on the blog post for this podcast and let me know what you’d like to know! Go follow me on facebook and instagram @realfoodwithdana, don’t bother to follow me on twitter because I’m never over there and it’s a waste of my time.
Cheers friends, talk soon!
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