I don’t know what it is about this time of year that always gets me craving smoked salmon. It’s like I forget, the entire rest of the year, how freaking BOMB the stuff is. And then people start making holiday, new years’ and super bowl appetizers with it (mostly of the deviled egg variety) and I’m like WHAAAAAAAT how did I forget this is so good? Especially when it’s in the form of a smoked salmon frittata. BOOM, drop the mic and leave.
Hi, my name is Dory Dana, and I most definitely suffer from short term memory loss. It’s a struggle. I blame it on the millions of little ideas and projects I have going on in my head at one time. I swear, if I put laundry in and don’t set an alarm on it, I’ll forget about it for days. The struggle is real.
But back to the recipe. Holy WOW you guys, this one packs a flavor punch. The salmon could easily stand on its own, but HELLO. Throw some dill, chives, and capers in the mix? It’s okay. My mouth is watering too.
You know a recipe is good when you’re photographing it and your picky little brother comes into the room and goes: “WOAH. So…can I eat that? Like now?” And then proceeds to devour half the pan of frittata right after you finish. Yup. That happened. I had to steal the rest away from him so I could have some too! Rude, Kyle, rude.
This dish is peeeerfect to make at the beginning of the work week to take for fast, easy breakfasts or lunches! Or to make a double batch for a bunch of people, then sneakily hoard some leftovers for yourself so they don’t eat it all up and you can have breakfast or lunch the next day. Don’t even try to tell me you’ve never done that before. We made this for Christmas breakfast, and it was devoured before I could even save a piece!! Even with the cinnamon rolls I made from Caroline Potter’s Cookbook All-American Paleo Table to go with it. And those were GOOD.
And the kicker? The lemon-caper aioli on top. Trust me on this one. Aioli and smoked salmon are like the peanut butter and jelly of the savory world. Yep, mouth definitely just started watering again.
- 10 eggs
- 1 tsp coconut oil or ghee
- 4-5 oz smoked salmon
- 2 Tbsp chopped chives, plus more for garnish
- ¼ cup minced red onion
- 2 Tbsp chopped dill
- 1 Tbsp capers, chopped
- ½ tsp dried garlic
- ½ tsp black pepper
- ¼ cup homemade mayonnaise
- 1 Tbsp chopped capers
- 1-2 tsp lemon juice
- Preheat oven to 375 F
- Grease the bottom of a 8 x 10in glass baking dish with 1 tsp ghee or coconut oil.
- Whisk together the eggs, chives, onion, dill, garlic, and pepper in a large bowl.
- Slice the smoked salmon thinly into ½-inch strips. Stir half the salmon in with the eggs, then pour the mixture into the greased baking dish.
- Scatter the 2 Tbsp capers over the top of the eggs so they are evenly distributed, then place the other half of the salmon evenly throughout the mixture.
- Bake for 30 minutes, until the center is firm to the touch and the eggs are cooked through.
- While the frittata is baking, make the aioli: stir together the mayonnaise, 1 tsp lemon juice, and chopped capers. If you like it super lemon-y, stir in an additional tsp lemon juice.
- Garnish with additional chopped chives and dill, plus a small scoop of the aioli.
Do you like smoked salmon? What’s your favorite way to use it?
Like this recipe? You’ll love these too!
Smoked Salmon Breakfast Bowls
Zucchini, Bacon & Sweet Potato Fritters
Roasted Garlic Chicken Sausage
Tomato & Sausage Frittata
This dish is perfect to make at the beginning of the work week to take for fast, easy breakfasts or lunches.
Hi Mark,
Agreed! I love this dish just for that purpose. Glad you enjoyed it!
This looks like happiness in a plate, my husband is so in love with smoked salmon but so far we were only eating it with cream cheese in a sandwich. He’s gonna buy me flowers after I’ll make him this breakfast!
Your husband and I have that in common!! If you like this one, check out my recent post on Smoked Salmon Breakfast Stacks – think healthier eggs benedict with smoked salmon! Sooo good. He’ll buy you more than flowers after that breakfast, haha!
🙂 D