Superfood Chia Acai Bowl | Real Food with Dana

What’s the big deal about acai bowls? I never really understood the whole whoop about acai bowls until recently. People go freaking NUTS over it. Like, spending $10-15 for a freaking smoothie bowl? I don’t get it. I tried a chia acai bowl for the first time at Expo East last year (I know, I’m way behind the food trends here, get over it), and then I started to get it. Flavors? On point. And I love anything where you can pick all your own favorite topics. But would I go seek out a restaurant that makes them and shell out that much for it? Nope.

SO. When I learned you could buy your own frozen acai packets from Sambazon (online, at Whole Foods, Costco, Safeway or your local natural foods store!) and make it at home (for so much cheaper) AND put all the toppings you want, I was totally in. Also. Can we just talk about how freaking cute these smoothie bowls are? Just try and tell me this isn’t the cutest little bowl you’ve ever seen.

Superfood Chia Acai Bowl | Real Food with Dana

All cuteness aside…so what’s the big hype about an chia acai bowl – nutritionally? Sure, they’re super tasty, and there are basically an infinite number of ways to make them with all your favorite flavors. But can they deliver the goods on the nutrition side too?

YEP. Turns out acai is packed with antioxidants (meaning they’re anti-inflammatory) – and has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of any fruit or veg! They also have a surprisingly high level of omegas (which are also anti-inflammatory), fiber, and unlike most other fruity smoothie ingredients, it isn’t super high in sugars or carbs (if you care about that sort of thing). They’re also an awesome food for athletes, because these superfood berries contain essential electrolytes you need for fueling and re-fueling after your workout, including magnesium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorous. Winning! Even more interesting, it has been used traditionally as a treatment for parasitic infections, diarrhea, and ulcers (source). And what’s great about getting them from my friends at Sambazon is they take care to use fair trade, non-GMO, sustainable harvesting practices when getting you the best acai possible from the Brazilian amazon.

But let’s be real, it’s just freaking delicious. And who doesn’t love making a bowl with all their favorite delicious toppings? Sidenote. The flavor combination of figs + sunflower seed butter…WHERE have you been all my life??? Do it. In this Chia Acai Bowl. You know you want to.

Superfood Chia Acai Bowl | Real Food with Dana

Superfood Chia Acai Bowl
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 1-2 servings
for the acai chia bowl
  • 1 cup liquid of your choice (I used homemade almond milk)
  • 1 Sambazon pure unsweetened acai packet
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 scoop/serving your favorite protein powder (vanilla or unflavored would be best here)
  • ⅓ cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 Tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp beet powder (for color, optional)
toppings (optional - pick your favorites!)
  • Chopped figs
  • Sliced banana
  • Chopped walnuts
  • Shredded coconut
  • Chia seeds
  • Drizzle of sunflower seed butter
  1. Combine all ingredients for the bowl in a blender until combined, adding more liquid as needed to thin out.
  2. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to allow the chia to set.
  3. Feel free to drink this as a smoothie with no toppings! If you want a smoothie bowl, pour the smoothie into a bowl (duh). Freeze for a few minutes while you’re getting your toppings ready.
  4. Choose your favorite topping combination! Highly recommend: sliced figs, sunflower seed butter, and shredded coconut. Do it!


Superfood Chia Acai Bowl | Real Food with Dana

This post is sponsored by my friends at Sambazon! All thoughts and ideas are my own *snape voice* ooobviously.

Like this recipe? You’ll love these too!

Blueberry Banana Smoothie Bowl
Mango Ginger Green Smoothie
Mocha Banana Protein Smoothie
How the H*ck do you Milk an Almond? {Homemade Almond Milk}


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      1. Aw booo! You can also make your own (just like you would do any other nut butter), and a lot of natural foods stores have it as well. I bet you could also get it on amazon!

  1. Huh, they aren’t high in sugars? That’s good to know. I’ve been kind of down on them since I pretty much assumed they were just smoothie bowls, and we only have them as a healthy replacement for ice cream sometimes. Maybe that’ll have to change 😉

  2. OMG I literally LOVE acai bowls! Like so much! It’s really hard over here to find the unsweetened acai so I’m super jealous right now. That bowl looks insane!

  3. I’ve never actually tried acai berries but this post has given me plenty of reasons to give them a whirl! Will have to do so, thank you!


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