Cristina interviews Diana Rice from on how to troubleshoot kids nutrition in a diet culture obsessed world. We dive into how to navigate your internal healthism voice that influences the way you feed your child, how positive encouragement can accidentally create a food hierarchy, and how having a narrow view of ‘healthy’ for our children can create a lot of internal parental pressure. It’s really easy to get stuck in over complicating meal times, and this can create negative pressure on ourselves and our children. How can we create a ‘healthy’ relationship with food in your home without compromising mental and emotional health?
Find Diana:
- Podcast: The Messy Intersection
- The Anti-Diet Parent (newsletter)
- Raising Anti-Diet Kids (Facebook group)
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Diana Rice, RD is a pediatric dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and mom of two. Diana is a nationally recognized family health expert whose goal is to communicate effective and evidence-based strategies for incorporating both good nutrition a healthy relationship with food into the challenges of modern-day life. She is the owner of Tiny Seed Family Nutrition, a weight-inclusive telehealth counseling practice, as well as the voice behind the Instagram account and the host of the The Messy Intersection, a podcast about navigating the messy place where feeding our kids meets feeding ourselves. She and her family live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Recommendations & Resources Mentioned
- Ellyn Satter Institute
- Shifting your food philosophy and Cultivating a more positive relationship with food for kids, with Michelle Smith
- Toxic Narratives that can sabotage your postpartum period with Brooke Miller
- the Biggest Pregnancy & Postpartum Nutrition Misconceptions with Brooke Miller
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