Kara Loewentheil joins us to dive into the intricacies of de-programming and re-programming the mind and science backed body image work. We’re discussing the internalized belief that a woman’s life hinges on the other side of a weight loss journey, and how sexist thinking can trap you in a body image spiral. Kara is the host of the podcast Unf*ck your brain and the upcoming book: Take Back Your Brain: How A Sexist Society Gets In Your Head – And How to Get It Out, coming out in May 2024!
Find Kara:
- Kara’s new book! Take Back Your Brain: How A Sexist Society Gets In Your Head – And How to Get It Out
- Instagram @karaloewentheil
- Website: The School of New Feminist Thought
- Podcast: Unf*ck your brain
You’ll love these episodes too:
- Why losing weight is unfulfilling – we need to change our brains instead with Kara Loewentheil
- The Body Liberation Project with Chrissy King
- The perfectionism and autoimmune disease link with Paige Lavell
- How to fix your body image in the summer
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