Currently Devouring:
Four Sigmatic Reishi Superfood Blend: I’ve noticed lately that if/when I drink caffeinated coffee, I’m on edge *all day* and even more stressed out that I normally am. So whenever I do have coffee, I’ve been blending this in – the Reishi takes the jitters out of your coffee while still letting you feel energized – but reishi can also help mitigate stress. For the WIN.
Butcher Box bacon & beef: I started working with Butcher Box during the January Whole30 and I have been SO impressed by the quality of this grass-fed, grass-finished beef, pasture raised pork, and free range organic chicken. Bc let’s be real that ish can get EXPENSIVE at the store, but Butcher Box makes it so much more affordable in a monthly subscription box! If you wanna try it out, go to butcherbox.com/realfoodwithdana and you’ll get FREE BACON (Whole30-approved!) and $15 off your first order!
Hu Kitchen Chocolate: holy WOW. Got these as a freebie in my last Thrive Market order and I’m so glad I did!! talk about high-quality chocolate. The only bad thing is I wish I had ordered more…
ZUPA Noma Superfood Soups: I’ve been bringing these with me wherever I go and using them as a side to meals to bump up the veggies and nutrients. Current favorite: Tomatillo Kale Jalapeno. So good!! Use the code “realfoodwithdana” for 15% off your order!
Hungry Harvest: I’ve been receiving a harvest box every week full of delicious fruits and veggies – think CSA to your door. Hungry Harvest calls itself a farm to doorstep produce delivery service on a mission to end food waste & hunger, by taking the organic & natural produce grocery stores don’t want and giving it to customers for cheaper than a ‘normal’ CSA – that delivers to your door! Budget friendly options for the win. Look out for some new recipes with Hungry Harvest soon! Use the code “RealFood” for $5 off your first order!
The Crossfit Open season is UPON US!! Five weeks of a worldwide competition that brings the entire crossfit community together on both a local and global level that is SO FREAKING COOL I love it. PS if you ripped your hands during 18.1 this Winnie’s Rip Fix is *always* what I used to get my hands back in peak condition ASAP.
I also competed in my first Olympic weightlifting meet – the Baltimore Open – last month and I’ve already signed up for another one in April. Think I’m sucked in already? Yep. Lots of competing in these next couple of months!
As you know I have extremely dry skin pretty much everywhere (but especially on my face and scalp) so I’ve been relying on this Beauty counter Countermatch Intense Moisture Serum + no 3. Balancing oil every morning and night to reduce the scaliness. The struggle is real.
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How to use Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance
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