Well, no. Not in the sense you’re probably IMMEDIATELY thinking. Rude! I see those judging eyes (but hey, I would’ve probably had the same reaction. Oops!) I mean about this recipe I’m sharing today. But it’s just too good!!
Remember those turkey burgers from friday? Well this recipe totally repurposes those. Basically I had another turkey burger leftover and was trying to get creative with it. And, well, it turned out SO well (and beautiful, if I do say so myself) that I couldn’t NOT share it with you guys. It would just be selfish.
So a breakfast burger was born. Beginning with that turkey burger. Then I topped it with some roasted, caramelized, sea salty and cinnamon-y delicata squash, and put a drippy poached egg in the middle. We’re doing some action shots here – check out the egg in the photo above, and then the egg in the one below, which I popped just right to drip down like that. This is what we like to call some serious yolkporn in the food photography world. You read that right. Just look at that drippy egg!! Mouthwatering. Oh, and remember that Cranberry Aioli from Friday? Oh yeah, it’s being featured here too as the star dipping sauce on the side.
Is your mouth watering yet? See, I bet you aren’t so mad that I repurposed my ingredients from friday into a whole new recipe. Plus, less work + more flavor is TOTALLY my jam. Enjoy, my friends.
To refresh your memory (or if you don’t have leftovers, THE HORROR!) Here’s the Thanksgiving Turkey Sliders and Cranberry Aioli recipes from Friday. The picture here is shown with roasted brussels sprouts and leeks when I made this recipe with my friend Becca from The Sweet Defeat!
- For the squash
- 1 delicata squash
- 1 Tbsp coconut oil
- ½ tsp sea salt
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- 1 leftover burger (see link above
- 1 egg
- Cranberry aioli, for dipping
- Preheat the oven to 400. Line a medium-large baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Cut your squash into about ½ inch rings and discard the ends. You can go a little thicker or thinner if you'd like.
- Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds in the middle.
- Toss the squash with 1 Tbsp melted coconut oil, ½ tsp sea salt, and ½ tsp cinnamon.
- Space evenly on your baking sheet and pop it in the oven.
- Bake for 20 minutes, then flip them over and bake for an additional 10-20 minutes depending on the thickness of your squash rings. They'll be done when they start to get golden brown and you can easily stick a fork through them.
- While the squash is baking, poach your egg. I use an egg poaching pan* (see below for link), and all you have to do is heat the water to a low boil, then crack the egg in, put a top on and let it go for about 3-5 minutes depending on how you like the egg done. Mine was at 4 minutes for this picture.
- While your egg is cooking, heat up your burger. I'm lazy and used the microwave, but you could heat it up in a skillet too over medium heat. I'd put a top on so it doesn't dry out too much.
- To assemble you breakfast creation: Top the burger with a squash ring, use a spoon to get your egg out of the poacher, and place it inside the squash. For the full effect, pierce it with a fork or knife right before eating.
- Serve with cranberry aioli.
*Here’s the egg poacher I have